Board of Trustees
Board members can be active in any profession and need not be previous DAAD scholarship recipients. They serve for a period of three years and may be re-elected for a second term. The DAAD Alumni Association USA is looking for a diversity of backgrounds, interests, and geographic locations, as well as intergenerational members. To nominate yourself or someone else, please contact
Manfred Philipp
Mark Rectanus
Fundraising Chair
Susanne Rott
Scholarship Chair
Tina Frühauf
Program Committee
John Torpey
Strategy Committee
Amra Dumisic
DAAD USA Liaison
Ingo Brachmann
Vice-President, Media Chair
Rosemary Morewedge
Program Chair
Erich Haratsch
Governance Chair
Can M. Olgun
Program Committee
Helene Zimmer-Loew
Hub Chicago, Honorary Member
Christopher Medalis
Sigird Berka
Awards Chair
Ingeborg Rocker
Strategy Chair
Sven Horak
Fundraising Committee
Rick White
Hub South
Hartmut Grossmann
Legal Counsel
Kristina Yu
University Liaison Chair
Uli Wagner
Media Committee
Erika Berroth
Award Committee
Mechthild Schmidt Feist
Outgoing President